Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Feminism in it's currently marketed form is broken.

Oh if I had a nickle for each time I made the galactically stupid decision to comment on feminism in it's currently marketed form on reddit.....

"feminism" by definition suggests an agenda of advancing women's rights to equal those of men and establishing gender equality. But there is an inherent problem here... and this is where the landslide begins... "equality" is a diamond of a problem with thousands of facets. Each viewer of the equality conundrum views the end goal through the facet of their choice. Those that choose the precise, exact, definable facet group together and propagate their message.
Why is this bad? Well, just ask yourself, who are the perceived "oppressors of equality"? Males? This should be the only acceptable answer without us having to delve into the "NOT ALL MALES" diatribe ok? But it's not enough to prevent us from having to delve into other facets as specific as "White, Euro-genetic, heterosexual, educated, powerful, blah blah blah, males" because the following and MORE claim inequality:
  • NON white males
  • NON Euro-genetic males
  • NON heterosexual males
  • NON educated males
  • NON powerful males
And these facets go on and on just for the males who don't feel "equality". We haven't even begun to talk about the inequality claims by lesbians, transexuals, bisexuals, etc.
But far worse, in my opinion, are the facets of equality that are being claimed by the "identifiers". These would be the ones who "identify" any particular characteristic of yours that they lack as a "privilege". They decry your privilege of being:
  • White
  • Male
  • Female
  • Thin
  • Tall
  • Wealthy
  • Talented
Basically, ANY aspect of you that can NOT be learned or purchased... suddenly becomes a "privilege" if someone that doesn't have it wants it and can't do anything to obtain it. So they label it and hold it out for scrutiny and ridicule.
However, because the facet they are using is a window into equality, and the most commonly used name for this concept is "feminism", the viewer co-opts this term as well. Suddenly, everyone is supposed to automagically become as feminist as well, or... accept their fate as the enemy oppressor of equality.
If "ALL MEN" were The Evil Overlords of The Illuminati Patriarchy locked in the eternal battle against the Warriors of Justice aligned with The New Social Satan.... then yeah... I get considering oneself a feminist as the socially obvious thing to do.
But all men are not equal, and neither are the "aggrieved" who are bringing this case for equality. These so called "feminists" jumping on the social justice train are diluting the issue of gender equality. The true feminists should switch trains at the next station and abandon all hope for the one they are on because it is a disorganized herd of wet cats!
If you want true equality you are just going to have to wrap your heads and hearts around Egalitarianism. 

From the french for equal.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

PLEASE /r/MensRights ! Let me in on the joke!

I watched over time as reddit became awash in "rights" based subs, posts, comments, and.... well.... stupidity as far as I am concerned.

Women rights, black rights, gay rights, lesbian rights, trans rights, fat rights, whatever rights... so when MensRights popped up I thought, why not? Right? But after watching and reading and honestly putting thought and soul searching into sincerely trying to understand what the point of all of these "rights" messages were about, I am still stymied.

Some days I think this sub is about men honestly discussing the rights of men. But most days this sub comes off as if I am the only one around here who doesn't get the fucking joke!

Is this a satire or parody sub where I just don't get the joke when everybody seems to be posting, what I believe to be completely LUDICROUS shit that has NOTHING to do with actual Men's Rights? These things don't assert men's rights, they highlight the stupidity of radfem bullshit most of the time, but this is men spreading radfem hate. To what purpose? A secret giggle club?

Seriously! Let me in on the fucking joke already! Fine, I am old in internet terms, but there is NO REALM of my imagination in which, unless it was a joke, that grown assed men would give a flying fuck what some "anonymous internet social justice warrior" type had to say about fucking video games.


Did I miss a memo or something? I mean I got all of the ones where other races were okay, and other religions were okay, and gays were okay. I even got the ones on how bullying is bad,  certain jokes were bad, and paid special attention to the sexual harassment ones as well! But which mailing list did I fail to join that would have clued me in to the fact that men were supposed to act like fucking eunuchs about E V E R Y T H I N G ?

Wait! Let me guess? We are supposed to be eunuchs because of our "privilege"? Or some shit? Fuck Them! I was sincerely trying to let this concept of "privilege" gain traction with me until I heard about my "Tall Privilege" and my... get this... "Hetero Privilege" in the same day.

The only fucking thing my Height privileges me to is reaching shit on the upper shelf when someone else needs it. NOT a significant benefit. They can take their "research" links to substantiate their claims regarding my privilege and wipe my ass with them because these studies and opinions are done by the very same SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR'TARDS that are spewing this shit to them firsthand in liberal college programs with agendas!

So what is the point of all of this rambling you may ask? MensRights is either a joke being perpetrated by radfems, and nobody wants to clue me in, or it's a hen house full of dickless roosters pointing out all of the ways they are being sleighted, misunderstood, mischaracterized, and marginalized, but not doing a damned thing about it but commiserating!

You know? LIKE WOMEN DO?

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sony cancels The Interview! Beware: I am about to go FULL ON CONSPIRITARD!

If you have a "theory" and it includes people "conspiring"... are you automatically a Conspiracy Theorist now?

They say:

Sony got hacked and that is bad enough because of the data that has been released. I believe that between the initial threat about releasing the movie and the announcement of pulling the film, Sony was either shown or discovered the true extent of their data losses. Considering the possibility of something TRULY heinous being revealed, Sony pulled the movie.

I wonder:

Was Sony actually hacked? I mean it would be pretty easy for them to completely fabricate this supposed damaging data to be released.  They can animate Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, how hard would some fake data to be released actually be?

Next up on my conspiracy parade:  Theater chains cancel the film?

There are serious concerns that need to be paid to threats made against your individual theaters in your chain, especially when those threats specifically reference 9/11. HOWEVER, how many of these theater chains do you think were just scared shitless that they too might be hacked and their internal data trotted out for public consumption?

But the conspiracy train rolls on...

If "The US does not negotiate with terrorists" is our mantra, do we have any legal standing over a corporation negotiating with them?

What about an ability to police a Japanese multinational corporation?

Did Sony fabricate the hack in America to appease North Korea for something we don't even know about?

What if the plan was to never release this movie anyway? It's total budget was supposedly $44 million. $8.5 of which went to Seth Rogan, and $6.5 went to James Franco. Loyalty pay for participating in a scam perhaps?

What is $44 million to the CIA, huh?

Remember when conspiracy theories were the bread and butter of the certifiably insane? Is it just me that is so distrustful of the media, corporations, celebrities, governments, and international relations? Have I begun the slide into madness of Conspiracy Theorist, or am I waking up to just how corrupt every single facet of life is capable of being?


Sunday, December 7, 2014

The American Ebola

For some reason, people read this blog, but don't post comments? I get feedback in my email though. Which I find odd being that a feedback option is right here on the page to begin with.

With that established, I thought I would answer a couple of questions that have been asked of me by both random readers and even personal friends...

*"What the hell are you trying to accomplish with this blog?"*
Reader at Random

In a word, equality. I want equality for everyone! I shouldn't even need to list all of the people in need of equality as I am sure you have one or two groups already in mind that you think deserve equality. I have my pet groups I would like to gain their equality first, but that is just me being honest with myself. In the long run as long as they get theirs I will be happy with everyone being equal!

*"Dude, do you even have a remote clue of how much you cannot win this thing? You can't go around telling people who they can and can't include in their fight for an equal playing field!"*
Rob the drummer friend

Actually Rob, I can. That is one of the things I love about being an American! I have a freedom of speech that is guaranteed to me by our constitution and if I choose to exercise that right by pointing out how blatantly stupid people are being in their presentation of their cause, maybe, just maybe someone will open their eyes and say,

*"Wait a minute! He has a point! Sure it is buried in failed attempts at humor that come off as condescending and typical patriarchy diatribe, but if you actually READ what the man is saying, he makes sense. We should be fighting for equality and not for feminism!"*

Do I think this is an eventuality? Probably not, but it does have a possibility.  ;-)

*"If you support the fight for equality and think it would be so easy to obtain, why is equality not obviously the status quo already?"*
Reader at Random
AHA! No here is something I can sink my teeth into! The reason, in my opinion of course, that equality is not status quo is.... The American Ebola.

"When left untreated, Ebola has a death rate of 90%."

This is some factoid I heard on the news, but it got me to thinking. If we could magically separate those in this country who actually have zero "isms" we would be left with maybe 90% of the population suffering from an "ism" infection. That 90%, that if left untreated will die. Not an actual death, but a Social death. More to the point without sounding like a World Health Organization scare campaign:

informal derogatory
a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an artistic movement.
"of all the isms, fascism is the most repressive"

Some of the usual suspects include: Racism, Sexism, Ageism, blah blah blah ism, ad infinitism.

Some of these isms are so prevalent in the minds of the harboring party that they are blinded to the factual truths of certain situations. As if my opinions aren't already unpopular enough, let me get REAL unpopular, hated even...

Eric Garner died on a sidewalk in New York and the man held responsible for his death was not indicted. Immediate screams of RACISM cry out from all over the country! To which I say, "bullshit". I am not even loud or animated about my disbelief because I am right to say that Eric died from his own poor impulse control. I know, I know... your brain just threw up trying to process the incredulity of my position. But be an adult and hear me out okay?

* Eric chose to break a law
* He had been convicted of this law once before
* He chose to willfully disobey the officer
* He chose to resist
* He chose to become physical
* He was out of shape yet chose physical resistance
* He had breathing problems but chose to struggle anyway

Eric Garner made these choices for himself. Now he is dead from his own decisions. If you disagree all you need do is answer a single question,

*"If Eric Garner had simply complied instead, would he most likely be alive today?"*

I don't need to hear about racist cops, prosecutors, judges, juries, systems, or even the struggle and plight of the black man being an actuality I cannot imagine due to my white privilege. Yes, or No? Would the man be alive had he simply complied and not just committed a repeat offense?

I am sure there will be the hate mail informing me of my racist views and KKK/Nazi affiliations and probably be awarded my new ShitLord badge. There will probably be the Libertarian slant on how if the tobacco taxes weren't so high there wouldn't have ever been a market for a loose cigarette from Eric to sell. The bleeding hearts will admonish me for being a monster incapable of empathy.


You got breathing problems? Don't get struggle fucked to the ground for breaking the law! If you are MANLY enough to disregard the law, be MANLY enough to admit you are busted! I know, it's gonna suck to end up in the state pen on a habitual offender beef and have to admit that your habitual offense was selling loose cigarettes and not murder or whatever earns mad swag in prison these days!

So what is all of this rambling about? Simple! Eric Garner had his isms too.

* Blackism - Where you feel like an aggrieved minority
* Lawism - Where you feel only criminal laws are applied to you
* Disrespectism - The only respect you give is to people you are afraid of
* Persecutionism - Just because of your skin color you are hated and despised

The list can go on and on if you want to nitpick but you get the idea. His American Ebola was left untreated and there was a 90% chance of him dying because of it.

Any radical ism qualifies... like Terrorism and Feminism. The "ists" are tossed in there as well... Misogynists and Misandrists for example.  THIS is the American Ebola with a 90% death rate and we are ALL walking around infecting each other randomly based on genetic predispositions on a daily basis.

A feminist has no power over a misogynist and vice versa. They just piss each other off and cause one another to exercise pushback on an ever increasing scale. Your isms or ists can't change your "make believe mortal enemies". For instance It won't be the black activist that changes the racist, but the racist observing no reason to be racist because the black activist stopped attacking him and just tried being a better example of a non belligerent human. The same works in reverse you know. When the racist stops yelling epithets and just exhibits a willingness to accept becoming a better human, the activist can't see a reason to soapbox any longer.

Bill and Ted said it best, "Be Excellent To One Another!" (If you are so young you don't get this reference.... google is your friend!)
The bottom line takeaway here is that we have got to stop trying to blame change each other. HateSpeak is a real thing and it needs to be stopped.

Correlation does NOT equal causality kids! So please comment and explain how Eric was not responsible for his own death by making terrible decisions for himself.