Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sony cancels The Interview! Beware: I am about to go FULL ON CONSPIRITARD!

If you have a "theory" and it includes people "conspiring"... are you automatically a Conspiracy Theorist now?

They say:

Sony got hacked and that is bad enough because of the data that has been released. I believe that between the initial threat about releasing the movie and the announcement of pulling the film, Sony was either shown or discovered the true extent of their data losses. Considering the possibility of something TRULY heinous being revealed, Sony pulled the movie.

I wonder:

Was Sony actually hacked? I mean it would be pretty easy for them to completely fabricate this supposed damaging data to be released.  They can animate Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, how hard would some fake data to be released actually be?

Next up on my conspiracy parade:  Theater chains cancel the film?

There are serious concerns that need to be paid to threats made against your individual theaters in your chain, especially when those threats specifically reference 9/11. HOWEVER, how many of these theater chains do you think were just scared shitless that they too might be hacked and their internal data trotted out for public consumption?

But the conspiracy train rolls on...

If "The US does not negotiate with terrorists" is our mantra, do we have any legal standing over a corporation negotiating with them?

What about an ability to police a Japanese multinational corporation?

Did Sony fabricate the hack in America to appease North Korea for something we don't even know about?

What if the plan was to never release this movie anyway? It's total budget was supposedly $44 million. $8.5 of which went to Seth Rogan, and $6.5 went to James Franco. Loyalty pay for participating in a scam perhaps?

What is $44 million to the CIA, huh?

Remember when conspiracy theories were the bread and butter of the certifiably insane? Is it just me that is so distrustful of the media, corporations, celebrities, governments, and international relations? Have I begun the slide into madness of Conspiracy Theorist, or am I waking up to just how corrupt every single facet of life is capable of being?


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