Friday, November 28, 2014

Checking My Privilege?

 Checking My Privilege?

First... a little background is delivered to a friend who asked,

"How the fuck did we even get here?"

Well buddy... cop a squat and I will fill you in!

Baby boomers with cash and authority but little wisdom forced their children to go to college without any real identifiable desired outcome. This resulted in the growth of degree fields with little to no real marketable value. The first wave of graduates became tenured professors in these same fields and quickly occupied all available academic positions.

These fields continued to grow, however, with no identifiable occupational placement leading to angry and frustrated graduates who parlayed their newly-found knowledge of historical injustice to apply to their own personal misfortune. They began to jointly develop a worldview where even the minutia of one's life is obstructed and degraded by deep and powerful social forces. This created a Social Satan -- a mythical creature upon which misfortune may be blamed, which is a convenient pretext for burning anyone suspected of not worshiping this new Social Satan.

IE: Radical Feminist Justice Warriors For The Social Satan!

His response was, "Oh.... Shit!" I agree wholeheartedly my dismayed friend.

I heard a new one today on reddit that just descended on my soul like a nuclear fucking winter.... "tall privilege". I was incensed that this poor man was using the word "privilege" to begin with, but "tall privilege"? Fuck the fuck off already! I am not one to pussyfoot around and voice my opinion as I see fit which usually results in being downvoted to oblivion. If I cared about make believe internet points I might curtail my opinions, but I don't, so I won't.

To be honest though, this little outburst of mine led to me meeting a decent logician named Aerobus on reddit who put forth some food for thought, namely... the Justice Warriors For The Social Satan types and their abhorrent misuse of the term "privilege". They use it to apply to basically any fucking thing they deem appropriate. My opinion on the matter is due to the sickening fact that these random internet weasel-men are buying into this sham and using the HateSpeak of the enemy!

 I no more believe in a "tall privilege" than I believe in a "blonde privilege". It would be tantamount to saying that I was born with a "healthy privilege" because my body functions as expected. I will not tolerate someone trying to tell me I have a white privilege because of my DNA anymore than I will allow someone to tell me I should have "white guilt" because of slavery. Do not try to hold me responsible for the transgressions of others more than a century ago. I wasn't there and neither were you!

Splain this like I am 5 okay? Why do people not have to check their "Social Satan Privilege" or their "Victim Mentality Privilege"? They sure as hell expect me to check my "Evil Overlord of The Illuminati Patriarchy Privilege"! There is a LOT of privilege checking that needs to take place and guess what my precious little snowflakes... it's NOT relegated to white hetero people only!

After giving this a whole 6.8 seconds of thought.... here is a partial list of privileges that need to be checked post fucking haste by EVERY member of that group!

* Race Privilege
* Country Privilege
* Status Privilege
* Able Body Privilege
* Pretty Privilege
* Religious Privilege
* Sexual Privilege
* Professional Privilege
* Education Privilege
* Height Privilege
* Weight Privilege
* Size Privilege
* Sex Privilege

I saved these two for Special Consideration
* Cis Privilege
* Kinship Privilege

I will not now, nor will I ever even remotely entertain "Cis" anymore than I will entertain "white guilt".

Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Hetero are your choices you little "microagression" fuckstains! If you want to stick me in a box, the label will read, "Evil Overlord of The Illuminati Patriarchy" as this explains ALL of your hatespeak regarding me and my kind in a label I am content with! It is just as made up as any that you Justice Warriors for The Social Satan will ever come up with. Besides, I already have the business cards printed.

When you start making allowances for "Kinship" you have lost the fucking fight you imbeciles! You already entertain "dragonkin" because that is how you are TOLD someone CHOOSES to identify? What's next? Genderfluid Cheesecakekin? Can you even see how ludicrous you people are becoming?

I will begin my close with a quote from the Matt Walsh Blog:

"Check my privilege? Check your arrogance, ma’am. Check your prejudice. Check your assumptions. Check your ignorance. Check your intellectual cowardice. Check your complete inability to prove that I have ‘privileges,’ because you know nothing about me or my life story.
Check your habit of shoving people into groups and categories.
Check your preconceptions.

I’ll check my white male privilege right after you check your arrogant liberal assumptions"

Matt is a far better linguist than I because I am prone to say FUCK an awful lot. But I want you Champions of the Social Satan to take this with you...

You claim to only be seeking equality, but you are NOT going to win it by using this Radical Femisogony.

Building a Better Feminist Part 3........

So here we are... You don't like it, but you know it is true... you have to cement your position on striving for equality and drop the "radicals" by the wayside. You also need to remove the ammunition of your enemy by converting all of the "self sexualization" types in your midst. There is still much work to be done ladies! So today we will tackle...


You know... The Evil Overlords of The Illuminati Patriarchy have been shouldering this burden for far too long ladies and it's not ours to shoulder. The blame of objectification falls on YOU!

Ask yourself who objectifies themselves the most? Men or Women? So your fist task is to convert these "self-objectifiers" over to your cause of equality. Your second task would be to remove all of the selfies from the internet and prevent any further evidence of "self-objectification" from being shared. Man... this could completely crumble whole websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and on and on.

Some others you need to handle are:

* Models
* Catalogs
* The entire fucking fashion industry by the way
* Art
* Literature
* Even music

Those should get you started down the road of cleaning up "self-objectification". While it is not a complete and exhaustive list, I am sure you can easily spot the remaining ones on your road to stifling "self-objectifiers" everywhere.

My point here is simple.... when you clean up your OWN mess... The Evil Overlords of The Illuminati Patriarchy will GLADLY take the measures required to put the bitch slap on the few examples left of men actually objectifying women. Because until you remove precisely what you admonish these men for objectifying, you've got problems a LOT bigger than men treating women like sex objects.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Building a Better Feminist Part 2

So we have established that the Evil Overlords of the Illuminati Patriarchy are NOT going to just trip over themselves in falling for the tricks the radical feminists are currently using. Radfems are pulling these tricks from the very playbook the Evil Overlords wrote to free the slaves..... from pharaoh... in Egypt!

With this in mind and at great risk of my losing my membership card and key to the executive washroom at Illuminati Headquarters, I am offering you ladies some notes on changes you might want to consider making if you want the Evil Overlords to take you seriously. We already covered cementing your position in Part 1 of this series... so lets take a look at tip number 2...

* Remove the ammunition of the enemy

Kind of cryptic, but most notes gleaned from Evil Overlord meetings are. What it means is... there are things you use as warning shots across the bow and even battle cries that quite honestly reveal yourselves to pretty much SUCK at warfare in the war for equality, At least that is what it was announced as to me anyway.

When you yell about the sexualizing of women as an example of rape culture, the Evil Overlords look around and wonder... where in your current construction of a glass house do you exactly factor in Jenna Marie Massoli... you know.... Jenna Jameson? Worlds most FAMOUS porn star? Oh wait... that's right... the Evil Overlords did this TO her.

Yeah, the Evil Overlords made her a household name, gave her a NY Times best seller, made her the only porn star immortalized in wax at Madame Tussaud's Museum... and.... boy we suck at oppression.... gave her a 30 million dollar web site too. We can go back and forth on the finer points of ANY porn starlets career, but the fact still remains... until you, yes you equality seekers, go around and proselytize every single professional AND amateur porn star to convert them to your so called equality campaign... your glass house is ripe for rocks. Is this any way to conduct a campaign for equality that you claim as a moral imperative?

PS: Just a thought... you are going to have to institute a program for the female infants to curb the desire to become Playboy Playmates as they grow up. You need to implement this program ASAP because just reaching the Pro/Am porn stars is gonna take you a decade or so. As fast as you convert them to your cause, their younger sisters, friends, neighbors, children etc. are still being affected by the Rape and Self Hate Machine of The Evil Overlords of The Illuminati Patriarchy! (OoooO! And get the camgirls while you are at it!)

Next time on Building a Better Feminist Part 3...

"I'd like 'Objectification for $1000', Alex."

Friday, November 21, 2014

Building a Better Feminist part 1

In internet terms of attention span... a LONG time ago, before the internet was even a "thing", a meeting of the Evil Overlords of the Illuminati Patriarchy was called to order for the purpose of devising a better playbook for effecting social change. I was fortunate enough to be in attendance and will share a few of my notes. I wish I could share the final and approved draft, but that would probably cost me my Evil Overlord membership card, but remember... I am from the internet and I am here to HELP!

The first note I have is

* Cement your position

This will be hard to accept, but it simply has to be done ladies. Your claim is to be fighting for "equality", yet 99% of what I see is Radical Feminism advocating for something altogether different. But for the sake of discussion, let's pretend that we are at the bargaining table for equality for a while and examine who you are bringing to the party.

Exactly what do lesbians have to offer as bargaining power with the Evil Overlords? I mean we ARE talking about a meeting of the minds between hetero males and women who hate them. They have no power here, why are you allowing them to ride your coattails? It's time to drop the dead weight equality seekers. While the lesbian constituency may be quite vocal, they seriously have nothing to bargain with other than simply shutting the hell up. All they are providing to your quest for equality is vitriolic to begin with. Their war is with the church and puritanical views on sex. They need to get their own house in order about their lesbian challenge before muddying the waters of you seeking your equality.

While we are trimming fat, let's talk about another group tagging along with you to the party they have no business attending... Feminist Champion Males. They have incompatible equipment to discuss equality with the Evil Overlords. Clearly they aren't a member of the patriarchy in good standing or they would be on our side of the table, right? At the risk of digression, I think they espouse these beliefs to try and appear as kinder/gentler/evolved males... so you will sleep with them. **sigh** Yes... it's true... even the double agents have a sex agenda! Did you ever stop to think that this is all of your own fault?!?!? Imagine if sex with women was just.... horribly bad.... we would just donate to procreate... but nooooooo.... you have to make it all magic , breathtaking, and special! You did this to yourselves! But I digress... drop these gentlesirs from your ranks and make some headway for a change because their problem with the Evil Overlords is much less about equality and more about how much they hate themselves. Send them packing to a drum circle or something and wish them luck on getting their priorities straight before leeching on to another cause like equality.

Speaking of cutting weight to pick up speed... cut the gays too. They are loud, obnoxious, and pretty unified in being against "organizations that don't include parades". Quite honestly.... we just don't have anything to trade with them. They have nothing we want, we have nothing they want. Why are you allowing them to disrupt your message of equality? Especially knowing that from the Evil Overlord point of view, they have absolutely ZERO to offer us outside of REALLY expensive haircuts, optimal placement of home furnishings, and acting as a sounding board for females in crisis.  
By the same ruler, measure what the trans community brings to the table. Again, there is no real common ground between hetero males and..... whateverthehell they are THIS week. We are the Evil Overlords, we deal with quantifiable things, for instance... male and female have interlocking parts so it was easy for the Evil Overlords to understand, we even managed to deal with the variables of men/men and women/women after some time.... but mtf, ftm, cis, het, wolfkin-vampire-genderfluid? Yeah... you need to stop allowing others to obfuscate your message of equality. I mean.. what are you going to align yourself with next? Eaglekin-Cis-NonBinary-Cheesecakes? They sincerely have more than enough struggles of their own to deal with internally, why are you allowing them amongst you as seekers of equality when they bring nothing but SHITLORD SCUM as a rallying cry?

Just because you are the "fairer sex" and can look around and see other members of other groups who are fighting their own war of acceptance, it doesn't mean you should align yourselves with them and co-opt each others causes. You can show up to the bargaining table with a pure and crystal clear glass of water for a logical cause of equality for females. Or you can show up with some cloudy and foul smelling runoff from a meat processing nuclear plant of chemical separation processes.

We are The Evil Overlords of The Illuminati Patriarchy... bring us a clear problem and a clear resolution and logic will prevail. Would you bargain away something like equality to a group that can't even keep it's membership in line with it's goals?

If you want equality, you are going to have to cement that as your position.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dear Radical Feminist...

You have become a pawn in a massive social experiment perpetrated by those in the minority who wish to silence the opposing views to their stance on any given issue. This is most easily exampled by the aggrieved victim mentality cherished by a large majority of African Americans who are the minority of the population at large. Because of their aggrieved victim mentality, it de facto paints ALL whites as oppressors. The same principal applies to gays demanding their rights and acceptance as it unjustly paints all heterosexuals as phobics, and the SAME principals apply to feminism!

When you scream rape culture, you paint all males as rapists. When you yell about objectification, you make all men objectifying assholes. When you yell harassment, you make all men harassers.

You don't use these words any differently than your victim mentality predecessors who called us racists, bigots, fascists, or Klansmen. These words are not used by you to enhance a debate, you use them to de-legitimize whatever we have as a rebuttal. You marginalize our logic, and want to end the debate on YOUR terms. You want the last word heard to be you SCREAMING your label for those who dissent.

If a black is not aggrieved, then he is an outcast from the minority cause, if a homosexual does not feel discrimination, then he is outcast from the minority as well. The same can be said for ANY member of ANY group that doesn't feel personally wronged by society for the reasons championed by the minority. You DO of course realize that there are Gays and Lesbians who relegate Bi and Trans people to the land of confused idiots and ostracize them, right? Who woulda thunk it, huh?

But how about a better example?

Take for instance non feminist hetero women. This is the "outsider" group I feel the worst pain for because they just dismiss your rhetoric wholesale and decide to not participate... but you won't leave them alone.... oh no.... you have to hunt them and badger them with your name calling and labeling and accusations of traitorous behavior. What IS the deal? If they are not WITH you, they are automatically AGAINST you? So black and white with no middle ground for you radicals? Which label would you prefer? Both Hitler or Klansman thought the same way, you know?

This bullshit mindset you have fallen into comes from a seed planted in the 60's by well meaning white college kids who were fighting for acceptance on campuses to have their black friends not be subjected to the "Old White Man" hate and disrespect that was running their schools. They thought they would make a scene, show the establishment the error of it's ways, do a good deed, and free things up for blacks caught up in a struggle for free speech. It worked!

But the victim mentality never subsided for the aggrieved black minority.

To be truly black in this country means to be perpetually aggrieved, which perpetually paints whites as the oppressors and ostracizes any non aggrieved blacks in the process. This is the template you all use. The sad thing is... you refuse to admit that this is the template devised by the white, male, christian, misogynistic, patriarchal illuminati! Because if you collectively admitted it, you would ALL go into a huddle and figure out a better way than using what the evil overlords use to enact change.  You ARE smarter than the patriarchy, remember? I have heard this battle cry.

Where is your BETTER plan?

There was a time where college was a place to go and learn to coexist in a professional capacity with the rest of the world. You learned to help where you can and to do your best, but it seems as though your best these days is getting in peoples faces that you do not know, and yelling your assumptions about them and their life when you sincerely know nothing of the sort. You are loud, rude, obnoxious, opportunistic seekers of the "moral high ground" wanting reward for institutionalizing the idea that all women are victims and all men are the enemy!  This is NOT equality! This is Feminisogony!

You claim to want diversity, but you refuse a diversity if ideas. As long as you feel a kindred spirit with other victim mentality groups you band together against your perceived common enemy, but what you fail to recognize is that you are endorsing the concept of "Hate Speech is WRONG.... but only against certain people".

You are nothing more than Sarkesian sycophants!

For every 1 Republican professor in any given field of college study there are between 15 and 30 Democrats. Campuses have become institutionalized rhetoric machines that are corrupting not only our youth, but their ability to communicate their critical thinking. You take your sociology, psychology and humanities classes so you can perpetually argue the "correct" answer. The smart money is on math and science. Because in math... the answer is 5 and anything else is simply incorrect.

Just because someone has a different view than you it doesn't make them wrong it makes them different, nothing more, nothing less. You however think that your view is the ONLY view and anyone who disagrees is automatically a lesser or bad human. Somehow they remain closed minded? In spite of ALL of the evidence you have given them to substantiate your point of view? Screw it! Call us names, shout us down and slap on a label so that anyone within rage range can hear you fighting for the "moral high ground" and rights of the downtrodden everywhere! Other perspectives are just plain wrong and have no value to you whatsoever.

And WE are the close minded ones?

When I build something out of wood an excellent rule of thumb is to measure twice and cut once. You could learn a lot from this if you think twice and only speak once. In the interim though, I promise you that we, the evil overlords of the patriarchy, are waiting with excited anticipation to see what you come up with as the new and improved playbook for effecting change for your cause! Because honestly, we already know the one you are using. I mean, we DID write the damned thing and we aren't really falling for the old razzle dazzle just because someone else is using it.

If we, the evil overlords of the patriarchy, were going to fall for it, you would be  a LOT further along by now... wouldn't you?