Friday, November 28, 2014

Building a Better Feminist Part 3........

So here we are... You don't like it, but you know it is true... you have to cement your position on striving for equality and drop the "radicals" by the wayside. You also need to remove the ammunition of your enemy by converting all of the "self sexualization" types in your midst. There is still much work to be done ladies! So today we will tackle...


You know... The Evil Overlords of The Illuminati Patriarchy have been shouldering this burden for far too long ladies and it's not ours to shoulder. The blame of objectification falls on YOU!

Ask yourself who objectifies themselves the most? Men or Women? So your fist task is to convert these "self-objectifiers" over to your cause of equality. Your second task would be to remove all of the selfies from the internet and prevent any further evidence of "self-objectification" from being shared. Man... this could completely crumble whole websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and on and on.

Some others you need to handle are:

* Models
* Catalogs
* The entire fucking fashion industry by the way
* Art
* Literature
* Even music

Those should get you started down the road of cleaning up "self-objectification". While it is not a complete and exhaustive list, I am sure you can easily spot the remaining ones on your road to stifling "self-objectifiers" everywhere.

My point here is simple.... when you clean up your OWN mess... The Evil Overlords of The Illuminati Patriarchy will GLADLY take the measures required to put the bitch slap on the few examples left of men actually objectifying women. Because until you remove precisely what you admonish these men for objectifying, you've got problems a LOT bigger than men treating women like sex objects.

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