Friday, November 28, 2014

Checking My Privilege?

 Checking My Privilege?

First... a little background is delivered to a friend who asked,

"How the fuck did we even get here?"

Well buddy... cop a squat and I will fill you in!

Baby boomers with cash and authority but little wisdom forced their children to go to college without any real identifiable desired outcome. This resulted in the growth of degree fields with little to no real marketable value. The first wave of graduates became tenured professors in these same fields and quickly occupied all available academic positions.

These fields continued to grow, however, with no identifiable occupational placement leading to angry and frustrated graduates who parlayed their newly-found knowledge of historical injustice to apply to their own personal misfortune. They began to jointly develop a worldview where even the minutia of one's life is obstructed and degraded by deep and powerful social forces. This created a Social Satan -- a mythical creature upon which misfortune may be blamed, which is a convenient pretext for burning anyone suspected of not worshiping this new Social Satan.

IE: Radical Feminist Justice Warriors For The Social Satan!

His response was, "Oh.... Shit!" I agree wholeheartedly my dismayed friend.

I heard a new one today on reddit that just descended on my soul like a nuclear fucking winter.... "tall privilege". I was incensed that this poor man was using the word "privilege" to begin with, but "tall privilege"? Fuck the fuck off already! I am not one to pussyfoot around and voice my opinion as I see fit which usually results in being downvoted to oblivion. If I cared about make believe internet points I might curtail my opinions, but I don't, so I won't.

To be honest though, this little outburst of mine led to me meeting a decent logician named Aerobus on reddit who put forth some food for thought, namely... the Justice Warriors For The Social Satan types and their abhorrent misuse of the term "privilege". They use it to apply to basically any fucking thing they deem appropriate. My opinion on the matter is due to the sickening fact that these random internet weasel-men are buying into this sham and using the HateSpeak of the enemy!

 I no more believe in a "tall privilege" than I believe in a "blonde privilege". It would be tantamount to saying that I was born with a "healthy privilege" because my body functions as expected. I will not tolerate someone trying to tell me I have a white privilege because of my DNA anymore than I will allow someone to tell me I should have "white guilt" because of slavery. Do not try to hold me responsible for the transgressions of others more than a century ago. I wasn't there and neither were you!

Splain this like I am 5 okay? Why do people not have to check their "Social Satan Privilege" or their "Victim Mentality Privilege"? They sure as hell expect me to check my "Evil Overlord of The Illuminati Patriarchy Privilege"! There is a LOT of privilege checking that needs to take place and guess what my precious little snowflakes... it's NOT relegated to white hetero people only!

After giving this a whole 6.8 seconds of thought.... here is a partial list of privileges that need to be checked post fucking haste by EVERY member of that group!

* Race Privilege
* Country Privilege
* Status Privilege
* Able Body Privilege
* Pretty Privilege
* Religious Privilege
* Sexual Privilege
* Professional Privilege
* Education Privilege
* Height Privilege
* Weight Privilege
* Size Privilege
* Sex Privilege

I saved these two for Special Consideration
* Cis Privilege
* Kinship Privilege

I will not now, nor will I ever even remotely entertain "Cis" anymore than I will entertain "white guilt".

Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Hetero are your choices you little "microagression" fuckstains! If you want to stick me in a box, the label will read, "Evil Overlord of The Illuminati Patriarchy" as this explains ALL of your hatespeak regarding me and my kind in a label I am content with! It is just as made up as any that you Justice Warriors for The Social Satan will ever come up with. Besides, I already have the business cards printed.

When you start making allowances for "Kinship" you have lost the fucking fight you imbeciles! You already entertain "dragonkin" because that is how you are TOLD someone CHOOSES to identify? What's next? Genderfluid Cheesecakekin? Can you even see how ludicrous you people are becoming?

I will begin my close with a quote from the Matt Walsh Blog:

"Check my privilege? Check your arrogance, ma’am. Check your prejudice. Check your assumptions. Check your ignorance. Check your intellectual cowardice. Check your complete inability to prove that I have ‘privileges,’ because you know nothing about me or my life story.
Check your habit of shoving people into groups and categories.
Check your preconceptions.

I’ll check my white male privilege right after you check your arrogant liberal assumptions"

Matt is a far better linguist than I because I am prone to say FUCK an awful lot. But I want you Champions of the Social Satan to take this with you...

You claim to only be seeking equality, but you are NOT going to win it by using this Radical Femisogony.

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