Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Feminism in it's currently marketed form is broken.

Oh if I had a nickle for each time I made the galactically stupid decision to comment on feminism in it's currently marketed form on reddit.....

"feminism" by definition suggests an agenda of advancing women's rights to equal those of men and establishing gender equality. But there is an inherent problem here... and this is where the landslide begins... "equality" is a diamond of a problem with thousands of facets. Each viewer of the equality conundrum views the end goal through the facet of their choice. Those that choose the precise, exact, definable facet group together and propagate their message.
Why is this bad? Well, just ask yourself, who are the perceived "oppressors of equality"? Males? This should be the only acceptable answer without us having to delve into the "NOT ALL MALES" diatribe ok? But it's not enough to prevent us from having to delve into other facets as specific as "White, Euro-genetic, heterosexual, educated, powerful, blah blah blah, males" because the following and MORE claim inequality:
  • NON white males
  • NON Euro-genetic males
  • NON heterosexual males
  • NON educated males
  • NON powerful males
And these facets go on and on just for the males who don't feel "equality". We haven't even begun to talk about the inequality claims by lesbians, transexuals, bisexuals, etc.
But far worse, in my opinion, are the facets of equality that are being claimed by the "identifiers". These would be the ones who "identify" any particular characteristic of yours that they lack as a "privilege". They decry your privilege of being:
  • White
  • Male
  • Female
  • Thin
  • Tall
  • Wealthy
  • Talented
Basically, ANY aspect of you that can NOT be learned or purchased... suddenly becomes a "privilege" if someone that doesn't have it wants it and can't do anything to obtain it. So they label it and hold it out for scrutiny and ridicule.
However, because the facet they are using is a window into equality, and the most commonly used name for this concept is "feminism", the viewer co-opts this term as well. Suddenly, everyone is supposed to automagically become as feminist as well, or... accept their fate as the enemy oppressor of equality.
If "ALL MEN" were The Evil Overlords of The Illuminati Patriarchy locked in the eternal battle against the Warriors of Justice aligned with The New Social Satan.... then yeah... I get considering oneself a feminist as the socially obvious thing to do.
But all men are not equal, and neither are the "aggrieved" who are bringing this case for equality. These so called "feminists" jumping on the social justice train are diluting the issue of gender equality. The true feminists should switch trains at the next station and abandon all hope for the one they are on because it is a disorganized herd of wet cats!
If you want true equality you are just going to have to wrap your heads and hearts around Egalitarianism. 

From the french for equal.

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